UIStroke getting bigger as you back away from a Billboard UI

hello! :wave: I’m currently trying make a name tag system, similar to this one:



I’m trying to make the text have a UIStroke, but whenever you get farther away, the UIStroke get’s bigger, but I would like it to stay the same size as you back away, this would be a pretty simple issue to fix, except… I’ve heard that tweening or constantly changing UIStrokes can cause major performance issues, has anyone heard of otherwise, or know how I can get around this issue?

I’m not sure if this should be in Art Design Support or not, it helps if anyone knows if it should be in there!

UIStroke width is a pixel amount which unfortunately means it stays the same size even if a billboardGui changes distance. Like you said you can attempt to change it but any text related operations may cause performance dips. The only suggestion I have is to add a max distance to the billboard and just configure a stroke width you are happy with when the billboard is about to reach it’s max distance and when the billboard is close to the camera. It would be nice if it was as simple as having UIStroke be able to scale similar to how UICorner is able to

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