UIStroke - Studio Beta (UPDATE: re-enabled)

Wow, I love these new UI updates!

Also, you should probably rename the thread to “UIStroke - Off” lol

Uh so this happened. I was making a UI update to my game Infinite and well…

The beta is NOT enabled for me and i haven’t touched the flags so uh i wonder where this came from

They disabled the beta for now.

Doesnt explain why im able to see a beta feature WITHOUT the beta even being turned on.

You were able to see those way before they were released. They’re turned off for now.


You can see the Instance but it doesn’t do anything

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Instance Visibility is not controlled by Beta Features (or internally, fflags)

This would break files if you turned the feature off and it prevented the instance being loaded.

Generally, these flags stop the instance working, not it being accessed by Studio


I haven’t had time to test this yet, does it work with viewport frames? Are you able to apply the outline to image labels?


Your able to put outlines to images, but if the image is rounded, the border won’t be unfortunately.

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I have UIStrokes enabled in Studio, but in-game they wont show. Probably because it’s disabled for now.

I am using mod manager to set the flags and I can’t seem to set FFlagUIStrokeShaderChanges to true. This might just be a mod manager issue or something, I am not good at this stuff lol I just want to try the strokes


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I run into that issue with Mod Manager use the arrow keys to select true then hit Enter

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This issue was fixed in a recently, update your mod manager.


Seeing this made my whole day better.

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I just reinstalled it yesterday but that didn’t fix it

This can really add some flair to text, and even open up for multi-outlined GUIs and texts, which I really like. Although that, you (the people who develop Roblox) could merge the GUI Outline object into every GUI object’s Properties.

There would be a new property called “Strokes”, holding a table of dictionaries, and you could create dictionaries via the “Create” button, and delete a value clicking it’s red ‘X’.

You could also copy the table, so you could paste it in multiple GUI objects with ease.

When can we expect the beta to be re-enabled?
I need this beta to continue to work on my moderation menu. It would be a waste of time to use the workaround I’ve been using for my other GUIs when this beta is going to be available in the near future.


Instances cannot have table values, though. They would need to create a class just for that. I think a separate Instance is easier to manage than that.

what is this type of code???

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I think this type of code of HTML, used for making websites or using richtext in roblox.

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