You could rewrite the script yourself. Insert the billboard guis into a table and loop through them every few frames or something, if at those distances then set the thickness of all descendant uistrokes
this is beutiful thank you ,
did you require the module and set the tag? I was also trying to get this to work and forgot to do those steps
Hey I just noticed that this only works on studio, is there a fix?
you have to add a tag that is named the same as whats written in the module to your billboard gui
billboard gui tag:
For me I customized the tag name, so yours will be different
I actually love you, thank you so much for making this
Crazy how roblox has done nothing about this and instead we need good people like you to help! Thank you
Hey there, I still have a problem wqith the billboard once so can anybody here explain how to set this one?
can anyone please explain how i can add this feature in my game? i am really new to scripting and i don’t know much about roblox lua
drag the uistroke adjuster in starterplayerscripts, make a local script, put it in the local script, and in the local scripts put local UIStrokeAdjuster = require(script.UIStrokeAdjuster)
and use tags to tag everything you want to be affected with “ScreenGui”. search up how to tag stuff if you dont know how to do it
Works great in studio, however for some reason it doesn’t in the actual game…
Can’t believe I only just discovered this, you’re a god send! No more stinky UI
having the same problem! the old module worked fine but this new one doesn’t for some reason. the old module was bad on performance. ughh
Thank you man. This was a problem of mine for a long time, but you fixed it
I found that the issue is that the module sometimes fails to work.
Using the function TagBillboardGui or TagScreenGui seems to fix this. I’ll check and see if I can edit the module to fix this
Found the issue. It was becuase if tagged objects exist in the game before the module is required, the module doesn’t detect them. I edited the module and did some more fixes here:
Thanks man! I appreciate that a lot. good work
I think the module you wrote still has problems. I don’t recommend you to use a table to store the initial Thickness data. For example, some UIs are temporarily cloned from other UIs, and its UIStroke will inherit the cloned UI object. If the Thickness of its cloned object has changed by pixels at this time, these cloned UIStrokes will have errors.
- Fixed major module-breaking bugs
- Everything is type-checked!
- No updates will be made to UIStrokes that are not visible in BillboardGuis
- Stored original thickness of UIStrokes as attributes rather than in data structures
- Garbage Collection for deleted instances
Please update your modules! They should still work as intended with little to no changes necessary Merry Christmas everyone!