UITableLayout causes Roblox Studio to Freeze Indefinitely

When using UITableLayout, you’re looking for a mix between grid layout and list layout… instead you’re getting a (presumable) memory leak.

The bug happens in studio (it crashes everytime before I can upload it so I can’t tell you if it happens in a published place).

The bug happens everytime I use UITableLayout, I’m not too sure exact specifics. However, it was roughly around March 25th, 3:13PM (looking at DevForum logs).

Visuals of the bug: https://i.gyazo.com/006b96c4e16f8c275a20ca840727995f.mp4

To reproduce this bug: Create a ScreenGui. Place a Frame (Frame 1) inside the ScreenGui - place another Frame (Frame 2) inside of Frame 1. Add a UITableLayout and select the first 2 properties (FillEmptySpaceColumns, FillEmptySpaceRows) and now click on Frame 2. Your studio should just stop responding and if you look at Task Manager, memory usage from Studio should be really high and for me it was increasing.

If it doesn’t crash, disable those 2 properties, move Frame 1 around and then enable them again.

Required Information [Studio]: Again, I’ve never gotten to publish a place using it because I crash everytime beforehand but I’ve never seen a game using it (not that I can tell anyways) so not sure how I can make sure it only happens in studio.


Thanks for the report! We’ve filed a ticket to our internal database and we’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


Yeah, it’s a weird one. The log file is just 193MB of “Instance.Changed” and something about re-entry.

I seemed to have also just tripped on this issue, and like in OP, this is happening every time I work with UITableLayout in Studio (works fine in game)

Similar reproduction steps to OP:

  1. Create a new ScreenGUI
  2. Insert a Frame into the ScreenGUI
  3. Insert a UITableLayout into the Frame
  4. Set the properties FillEmptySpaceColumns and FillEmptySpaceRows to true
  5. Insert a UI element (in my case, a TextButton) into the Frame, and select it

Repro place file:
UITableLayoutBug.rbxl (25.4 KB)
[Select the TextButton inside the Frame in StarterGui]


Nothing to add from other reports other than this appears to still be a bug. I am working with an rbxlx file if that makes any difference.

This issue still seems to be a problem. My studio crashed when repeating this.

Hello! Does this issue occur anymore for any of you??


I have tested the place file and it’s still occuring


Just ran into this issue today, would be nice if it gets fixed.


Hi all, this issue is now fixed. Please update to latest studio and try it out!