UITransform - Rotate & Pan UI

Hello Developers!

Ignoring my horrible photoshop skills, I want to present an Idea that can up Roblox’s UI game a lot with the addition of a new instance named “UITransform”. UITransform would provide tools similar to Photoshop Transform or PaintNet’s Rotate tool. UITransform would provide the ability to rotate UI elements on a 3d axis to add more detail to UI’s. It would work like so using degrees:

Any way would work though the advanced version would be much better for newer users with the physical feedback. (This can be panned around with the cursor.)

Here are some examples I’ve came up with:

I believe this shouldn’t be too hard to implement as you just rotate the UI nor have any performance impact in games. Overall this would be amazing to see in studio and games. Also I know this effect is possible to achieve with the use of renderservice & surfaceguis though vanilla support would be nice as it is inconvenient and can cause performance problems. Parenting stuff to camera and positioning, RunService, etc shouldn’t have to be the option.