UI/View Tabs lagging so badly in Roblox Studio

This is a support category for asking questions about how to get something done on the Roblox websites or how to do something on Roblox applications such as Roblox Studio.

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!

I do not want to lag while using the Roblox view tabs such as explorer, and properties and more.

  1. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!

I have 2 very powerful computers, they definitely can run Roblox and other very intense games. They can run Minecraft on 1000 fps. But on both of these computers, hovering over objects in explorer will take like 2 second for it to hover over to. When changing a property in the properties tab, after I type in a value, it takes like 4 seconds for it show up, and most of the times doesn’t even show up. This happens in every instance of a game, even if I open up a new Roblox game, and it has 0, and I mean NOTHING added into the workspace, serverscriptservice, anywhere. It will still lag. Remember this is just the Roblox studio UI/View tabs lagging. Not the actual game itself.

  1. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?

I have looked everywhere, but cannot find anything on how to fix this. I really can’t develop without having lag. I really need help with this.

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