UK House Feedback

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It stills need work but I’m not quite sure on the design, how does it look?
Any feedback is appreciated.
[I won’t add an interior to this build, it’s for decoration. Also, what should I add on the roof as decoration?]

Thank you for your time :slightly_smiling_face:


This build looks amazing although some of the walls look very repetitive, a suggestion would be to change it up with each wall.

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I apologise, I was unaware. Thank you for pointing it out to me :sweat_smile:

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Looks good keep up the good work

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What era/style of house is this? Personally don’t recognise it, but then again most areas around me are 30s Suburbia.

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never seen a house that resembles this but good work, I like it

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I haven’t really seen a U.K house but, maybe add sometime roof detail? Like those vents that you see on roofs?



It looks very good, but I’m not sure how “UK” it looks. Obviously there are many different types of UK house which depending on loads of factors such as the period it was built in who it was made for and even the local area (PBSA, bungalows, terrace houses for old industrial areas, Yorkshire brick houses etc.) So perhaps consider what kind of neighbourhood you’re going for to really get the feel of it.

One thing to consider is that you would rarely have windows on all sides of a house, especially if it’s in a street, instead you’d just have them at the front and back.

Also, depending on if it’s in a suburb, time period, wealth etc. you might want to think about adding an extension to it (such as a front garden, garage etc.) and often, old houses within cities have black railing in front of them.

Finally, being a rainy country (with it raining as I type this) UK roofs are angled and will often have a chimney and TV aerial.

I know I sound critical, and I probably shouldn’t be too harsh. A lot of work has clearly gone into it, and what you have done is very detailed. Good luck with the place you’re making it for!

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Looks quite cartoony in my opinion, but overall good

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Maybe try adding some bushes on the front, although I cannot say much as I am a programmer not a designer/builder :joy:

UK houses don’t have vents lol that’s only on like office buildings.

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I’d say it would be more of a UK house if it was a council house.