Ultimate Football

Terms of Service

  1. We expect you to follow the Roblox Terms & Conditions. We will not transfer/refund any purchases/items/transactions made on accounts that have been moderated.

  2. We expect you to have good sportsmanship. Racism, bullying, inappropriate language or anything we deem unacceptable is bannable. We do not tolerate these things; think before you speak.

  3. No hacking/exploiting whatsoever. There are no exceptions to this clause; you will be permanently banned with no possibility of appeal.

  4. We will not refund you for any purchases/transactions made on the game. Trading any items outside of the trade hub is not allowed, and we reserve the right to moderate any instance of misbehavior. Scamming is not a refundable scenario, trade at your own risk.

  5. If necessary, we may punish for reason(s) not listed. It is a privilege to play the game and be on Roblox, not a right. Follow all rules and you will be fine.

Credits (alphabetical order)


  • clxr
  • PlayerHasJoined


  • Net10Rose
  • ZakHasJoined
  • WorriedMoises103


  • Shotonne
  • Steven_Spectacle

UI Designer(s)

  • clxr
  • PlayerHasJoined

3D Modeler(s)

  • laurengif
  • preyanimal

Graphic Designer(s)

  • laurengif
  • Xenici

Clothing Designer(s)

  • tridfromstatefarm

Item Maker(s) / Logger(s)

  • AntonioPrestiX
  • CallerEnt
  • est510
  • ironkinkajou
  • ExperiencerHasJoined

Playbook Designer(s)

  • coryvette
  • KingxASG

+ all the contributors and testers