Ultimate Subtitles Module

Hi guys, i just woke up and made subtitles module :disguised_face:

Getting Started

Module can handle only one player, so at first, put module into StarterCharacterScripts/StarterPlayerScripts

If you’re bold, you can learn some documentation and make your
subtitles cooler and easier to control. :sunglasses: :


Initial setup functions

.SetSubtitles() This function sets your subtitles.

Link - Path to your subtitles. It can be anything that have “Text” property.
Example: Module.SetSubtitles(Player.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.TextLabel)

.SetBackground() This function sets your background.

Link - Path to your background. It can be anything that have “BackgroundTransparency” property.
Example: Module.SetSubtitles(Player.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.Frame)

.SetFadingConfig() This function sets your Fade config. It defines how transparent will be text and background when it’s visible. Also it have TweenInfo, so you can smoothly show your subtitles.

Info - Defines tween properties [Type - TweenInfo][Unnecessary]
TextTransparecy - Defines text transparecy [Type - number][Unnecessary]
BackgroundTransparency - Defines background transparecy [Type - number][Unnecessary]
Example: Module.SetFadingConfig(TweenInfo.new(2, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine), 0, 0.7)

Functions for work

:Write() This function just print text and show to user

Text - It’s text. [Type - string][Necessary]
BaseColors - table, containing color for text and background [Type - Color3][Unnecessary]
Duration - delay before hiding subtitles [Type - number][Unnecessary]
UseFade - defines will be appear and hide tweened or not [Type - boolean][Unnecessary]
Sound - sound that will be played when subtitles appear [Type - Instance.Sound][Unnecessary]
Module:Write("Hi Mom", {Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)}, 2, true, script.Sound)

:TypeWrite() This function gradually prints your text

Text - It’s text. [Type - string][Necessary]
BaseColors - table, containing color for text and background [Type - Color3][Unnecessary]
Duration - delay before hiding subtitles [Type - number][Unnecessary]
UseFade - Will Tween be used to show and hide subtitles
or not [Type - boolean][Unnecessary]
Sound - sound that will be played on every character
appearance [Type - Instance.Sound][Unnecessary]
Interval - delay befone next character will appear [Type - number][Unnecessary]
IntervalsConfig - table containing defined interval on defined
character number [Type - number][Unnecessary]
AutomaticCapture - Allows don’t waste time to make IntervalsConfig and make
it by script [Type - boolean][Unnecessary]
Module:TypeWrite("Hello_World", {Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)}, 3, true, script.Sound, 0.05, {[10] = 0.7, [15] = 0.5, [27] = 1}, false)

.AddToQueue() This function adds your functions into queue in defined order

Type - defines function you want to add. It can be “Write” or “TypeWrite” [Type - string][Necessary]
Params - table with parameters for your selected function type [Type - table][Necessary]
Module.AddToQueue("Write", {"Hi Mom", {Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)}, 1, true, nil})

:UseQueue() This function runs functions in your queue

:Stop() This function stops printing


:Stop() function need some time to stop code
Module may not work properly in languages except English, that’s not my and not Roblox’s fault.

If, however, you don’t want so much possibilities then you need to
do 1 (or maybe 2) simple things: :upside_down_face:

  1. Set your subtitles - use .SetSubtitles() method to do this. Just put path to subtitles in parameters.

  2. [Optional] Set your background - use .SetBackground(). Background can be anything, that have BackgroundTransparency property

That’s all. Now you can print your text.
Simple print functions:

  • :Write() - Just prints your text and shows it to user. First parameter is text

  • :TypeWrite() - Gradually prints text. First parameter is text

Example code:

--LocalScript in StarterCharacterScripts
local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer

local Module = require(script.Parent.SubtitlesModule)


Module.SetFadingConfig(TweenInfo.new(0.3, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine), 0, 0.7)

Module:TypeWrite("I love my mom", {Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)}, 3, true, script["Switch 2 (SFX)"], 0.05, nil, false)

Here’s link btw

Ultimate Subtitles Module

If you find grammar mistakes somewhere, please, let me know about it. I don’t want to be a fool.


This module seems empty, I thought it would have features such as different language support, which is pretty much the main point of subtitles.


Actually it easily can write in different languages.

But if you need to use :TypeWrite(), then it can incorrectly count amount of characters,
I tried everything i know, but it also count wrong.

I’ve tried this with English and Russian, at Russian language it multiplly amount ~2 times
And this forces code process non-existing characters

So, i don’t think that i can solve this

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