Ultra Widescreen Monitor Bug

PC Info: Windows 11 Pro

Date First Experienced: 1/30/2025

Date Last Experienced: 1/30/2025

local viewportSize = camera.ViewportSize

local aspectRatio = viewportSize.X / viewportSize.Y

Reproduction Step: Achieve an aspectRatio larger than 2.54 and you will notice that the identical scaling of UI elements is no longer supported and it will look different on your ultra widescreen monitor compared to other devices

Instructions to fix the bug: Add support for ultra widescreen monitors

Expected Behavior: Ultra widescreen monitor scales identically to other size screens

Actual Behavior: Ultra widescreen monitor does not scale identically to other size screens

I am having to detect this myself and use a separate GUI because Roblox currently doesn’t support my monitor size. Please fix this. Thank you!