UM: Update log:
Changes on the interview center:
- The interview changed to a new model and let’s try to be our final model.
- The slock system has been fixed.
- The admin is now fixed.
- New doors with commands.
- New decoration over the walls of the center.
Changes on the discord:
- All the discord has been updated.
- New channels with correspondent rank.
- New ranks and permissions fixed.
Changes on the group:
- We’ve got 2 new developers, and Doge is back!
- Changing the group description and logo.
- Closed application center until we end the new version.
- Making new uniforms and donations.
- New affiliate: Monarch hotel.
Changes on the hotel:
- Added snow snowier.
- The doors are now fixed.
- We are now looking for bugs reports, so you can report them on the communications server.