Unable to access 'Access' page of Creator Dashboard

Reproduction Steps

Simply try to access https://create.roblox.com/creations/experiences/1228263300/access. Obviously only authorized users can test this, but it’s broken for my game Chicago 1949. I reported this same issue before because this also breaks Roblox Studio’s game settings ‘monetization’ tab.

Expected Behavior

I expect the https://develop.roblox.com/v1/universes/1228263300/configuration/vip-servers endpoint not to return a 500 Internal Server Error. I also expect to be able to access the creator dashboard’s access page & Roblox Studio’s game settings ‘monetization’ tab.

Actual Behavior

Since it errors, the creator dashboard access page fails to load for my game and so does the ‘monetization’ tab in Roblox Studio game settings.

Issue Area: Roblox Website
Page URL: https://create.roblox.com/creations/experiences/1228263300/access
Impact: Critical
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2023-01-11 00:01:00 (-05:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2023-01-29 00:01:00 (-05:00)


I don’t see a problem:

Must be something on your end.

It’s an issue with my game’s ‘universe’ specifically. It does not occur with any of my other experiences.

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Did you try to edit the access from the group owner’s account?
Or does your rank in the group have enough access to change the settings?

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Yeah, it’s the same error.

Hi Cuyler, sorry that you’re running into this issue and thanks for reporting.

We’ve been able to identify a potential cause for this issue however I can’t say when we’ll get to releasing a fix for it.

In the meantime, I believe the equivalent page on the old developer site should still work as expected. Chicago 1949 - Roblox (click the … in the upper right corner when logged into the account that owns the game)

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Thank you for looking into it! Yes that page does allow me to access the majority of settings. It is worth noting that the Private Servers statistics is still broken on that page.

I do realize this may be a relatively low occurrence bug, however I do hope that it will be fixed before the old creator page is removed. At that point I would no longer be able to access certain settings.

This happens to me too. I love the developer dashboard as it’s usually fast and organized but it’s literally unusable for me currently

Hey - this should be fixed, please let us know otherwise!


Yes this is entirely fixed on my end! It also hugely decreased the load times of the pages & Studio settings tab which access this endpoint. Thank you so much for the speedy identification and fix!

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