Unable to Access 'Plugins' Page

I was looking for a Plugin to help with positioning tools properly, so I was navigating to the plugins page by going: Create > Library> and choosing “Plugins” on the left hand bar.

When I did this, nothing happened, the page stayed on the default Model page, however if I right clicked and chose “Open Link in New Tab” I got a ROBLOX page not found popup.

It could be just me I guess, but I’ve tried refreshing, going back through the navigation, and I can’t seem to choose ‘Plugins’.

I just noticed this bug, not sure how long it’s been occurring.

If it’s just me I’m sorry for wasting your time but wasn’t sure what I should do.


Not sure if this is relevant, but I am using Safari as a web browser.

Worked for me on Safari. For the sake of possible website changes, I would recommend clearing your cache and retrying.

On Safari: Preferences > Privacy > Manage Website Data… > Remove All

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Thank you that solved my issue.


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