Then make sure you have a Camera that points directly at your face
After that you can go in a game that allows Communication with “Camera” or face tracking.
Locate yourself to the Roblox InGame Menu and look at the TopLeft Corner
Enable the Camera and FaceTracking, and that should be it.
If still have more problem or If answer was unrelated, you can tell me a more specific question.
maybe try contacting Roblox Support, although usually bot messages you back but they might help.
or there might be a glitch in your account, because there’s 1 particular glitch that only some people have, which is when you cannot press R2 in PlayStation for Roblox.
I’m in the same situation where my account is 13 plus and older
I’ve already verified my birthday with an ID of mine a long time ago
I already have the voice chat but I have never received the facial tracking option
The only place I can use the facial tracking is on local test game sessions in Roblox studios
just wanna say its the exact same issue for me, I had contacted roblox support.
They are utter useless, potentially as roblox outsourced the customer support to Asia = cheaper labour and = poor english interpretations. This is the case with many company’s annoyingly.
They provided Q&A links and said the ‘beta’ programme which contains face tracking is randomly given out, (hard to believe as the star programme gets it).
I did contact them back, it only got worse as he read barley any of my message and replied simply with
Their reply
If you are having issues with Age ID Verification, please be sure to review the Age ID Verification article for instructions on how to complete the process.
If you have followed all steps to upload a valid, accepted ID and are still having problems verifying, please reply with the following information:
Screenshot or copy/paste of any error code or message
Please note: Do NOT include any images of your ID or selfie in your screenshots
Additional details about the issue
Ben — i dont care about his privacy its just a firstname
Customer Support
Overall their customer support used to be helpful back in 2020, but yeah the reason you get it in a local roblox studio test game is potentially that you have ‘roblox studio beta’ features on.
You know I’ve been wanting to try to contact their customer support but I’ve never figured out how to find their customer support “I know that sounds stupid for me to say but I have never figured it out”
Still waiting for the day that I’ll be eligible for the face tracking feature. I’m sure there’ll be a wave of releases eventually, but I’m glad to see that I’m not the only one still waiting.
As of this day, I also have no access to the feature. I have contacted Roblox support multiple times about the issue and they either don’t know what I’m talking about because they are just brain dead or they tell me to wait for the next wave they’ll release it. I’m glad I’m not the only one since I thought my account was glitched.