Unable to access Roblox Face Tracking


So basically I’ve never got access to the Roblox’s Face Tracking on my account. I have no idea why my other account has it but my main does not.

Also I’m not sure if this is a bug (probably not).

My settings:

What does API (https://voice.roblox.com/v1/settings) say:

  "isVoiceEnabled": true,
  "isUserOptIn": true,
  "isUserEligible": true,
  "isBanned": false,
  "banReason": 0,
  "bannedUntil": null,
  "canVerifyAgeForVoice": true,
  "isVerifiedForVoice": true,
  "denialReason": 0,
  "isOptInDisabled": false,
  "hasEverOpted": true,
  "isAvatarVideoEnabled": false,
  "isAvatarVideoOptIn": false,
  "isAvatarVideoOptInDisabled": false,
  "isAvatarVideoEligible": false,
  "hasEverOptedAvatarVideo": false,
  "userHasAvatarCameraAlwaysAvailable": false

As you can see my account is marked as “isAvatarVideoEligible”: false, even tho my account is ID Verified and has both phone and email Verified.

Any idea how to get access to it?

Thanks for reading!
~ Blanka


If you’re talking about “how to get access” to it, you could go to; settings, Privacy, Camera Input, then enable your camera.

Then make sure you have a Camera that points directly at your face
After that you can go in a game that allows Communication with “Camera” or face tracking.

Locate yourself to the Roblox InGame Menu and look at the TopLeft Corner
Enable the Camera and FaceTracking, and that should be it.

If still have more problem or If answer was unrelated, you can tell me a more specific question.


As I’ve showed and said I don’t have access to it only voice chat.


your account is over 13+ right?


Yes, it’s 13+ (even 17+), with all ID, Phone and email verified.


maybe try contacting Roblox Support, although usually bot messages you back but they might help.
or there might be a glitch in your account, because there’s 1 particular glitch that only some people have, which is when you cannot press R2 in PlayStation for Roblox.


I cannot be completely sure, but it might still be rolling out to users.


Still no access here, been waiting months. Verified 17+ everything.

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Define here. Are you in the U.S.?

I’m in the same situation where my account is 13 plus and older
I’ve already verified my birthday with an ID of mine a long time ago
I already have the voice chat but I have never received the facial tracking option
The only place I can use the facial tracking is on local test game sessions in Roblox studios