Unable to access talent hub areas on mobile

When on mobile and on this place on the talent hub place or wtv

There is no way to access ur inbox or etc because when touching the drop down button it immediately teleports you to ur profile after showing your drop down options instead of allowing you to click the options that are dropped down…

Expected behavior

To just show you your drop down options without teleporting you

Only possible solution is tryna click it really fast before you teleport

You appear to be on the desktop version of the page; does reverting back to the mobile layout allow you to access your inbox from the bottom of the page or is that unavilable for some reason?

I have noticed that on the desktop site on small screens; not all dropdown options are available including “Inbox” in the side-panel though; weird behaviour to say the least that should certainly be fixed.

That’s not exactly the issue. It appears but it instantly teleports you back so yeah

On mobile, that is probably the case, I can’t reproduce it myself but it is likely just my browser. I was moreso talking about desktop in-general in that sentence. The mobile UI should have a different, more accessible layout, however it seems like you aren’t receiving it for some reason; possibly either due to a browser incompatability or the fact that your are in a horizontal view.

Hi there, we just pushed a fix so these options are moved to the hamburger menu for tablet screen sizes. Thanks for the report!

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