Unable to access talent hub page on Mac

Reproduction Steps
Im not sure precisely what is causing it but my progress of elimination I have come to the conclusion it is likely to do with my timezone / being on Mac, this is due to the fact the error in the client side console seems to be in relation to relative time; that being said the page loads perfectly fine on my phone (excluding horrendous UI bugs)

Expected Behavior
I expect the page to load something other then a piece of text on a white screen

Actual Behavior
It loads the text on a white screen
Inspect element also shows this error:

Issue Area: Roblox Website
Page URL: https://talent.roblox.com
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2021-08-07 00:08:00 (+01:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2021-08-07 00:08:00 (+01:00)

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Could you be more specific? I can’t reproduce this.

When specifying setup for website-related issues, please specify version of your OS and what browser you are using + version to view the site.

Just a side note but we don’t officially support mobile on talent hub yet. We’re working on making it more responsive.


Screen Shot 2021-08-07 at 16.24.05

Currently I am using safari version 13.1.2

What browser are you using? Have you tried using a different browser?

No I have not tried a different browser since I don’t have any others installed.

Talent Hub seems to run fine on Safari Version 15 (14 is latest, I am using beta). Have you tried updating your operating system? It could be a bug with that specific version.

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Like @LocalWE said, I think your OS may be too old. Try updating to macOS Big Sur.


Your Safari browser is on too old a version unfortunately - we’re working on making this clearer. Could you please update to at least 14.x.x? This should resolve the issue.