Unable to archive latest decals and unable to archive decal in the configure tab

I wish to archive some certain decals but I can’t find the decals I uploaded. I uploaded these decals from Roblox Studio. Additionally I cannot archive specifc decal id (I copied the decal id into the https://create.roblox.com/dashboard/creations/store/DECAL_ID/configure) or in the configue tab

Page URL: https://create.roblox.com/dashboard/creations?activeTab=Decal

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These decals were pretty recent as well*

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Hey @aercaii_3D, what was your process for uploading a new Decal, and would you mind:

  • Providing the assetId
  • Checking now to see if it shows up?
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Hey @aercaii_3D , just following up to see if you’re still running into this :slight_smile: