Unable to assign property Text. string expected, got nil (for plugin:getSetting())

Hello, I was trying to assign Text to a plugin:getSetting() value, but Unable to assign property Text. string expected, got nil error showed up. I wonder what went wrong.


Welcome.Input.Text = plugin:GetSetting(WELCOME)

This is just a concept of a script, but works exactly the same way.


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The error tells you exactly what went wrong. The value you tried to assign to the text property is nil, so the result of plugin:GetSetting(WELCOME) was nil.

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How would I fix that, as I did set it to "WELCOME"?

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Just because the input value of the function was a string, doesn’t mean the output value must be. Check the documentation, it should tell in what case the function would return nil.

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Try this maybe?

Welcome.Input.Text = plugin:GetSetting("WELCOME")

Busy rn

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