Unable to Cast Array to Content [ MODULE ]

--[[ LINKS =>

	* OnRender:(Asset, function() print("Rendered!") end)
	=> Return [ User Defined Method ]? nil


local OpenOnx = {}		  -- 
OpenOnx.__index = OpenOnx --



function OpenOnx:OnRender(Asset : Instance, ThreadOrFunction : "ThreadOrFunction")
	local Loaded, Errored = pcall(function()
	end) if not Loaded then error(-1) else
	return ThreadOrFunction() end

return OpenOnx		  --

Is the Asset argument when you call OpenOnx:OnRender() a single instance?

Whether I try single asset or multiple It returns the same error

Is this the whole script? as it looks like setmetatable is missing.

nvm I fixed It thanks for trying to help tho