Unable to cast Dictionary to RayCastParams [ERROR]

I’m making a throwing knife and i don’t use RayCasting very much. I’m trying to make a ray that ignores the character, etc. Here’s the script:

local tool = script.Parent
local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local mouse = plr:GetMouse()

local throwpos = mouse.Hit.p
local RightHand = plr.Character.RightHand

local raycastParams = RaycastParams.new()
raycastParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = {RightHand.Parent}
raycastParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist
local rayresult = workspace:Raycast(RightHand, throwpos, RaycastParams)



I’ve taken some examples from google, and my script seems to match. But somehow i still get this error:

I’d really appreciate it if someone could help me out!

RightHand.Position is missing. In your case it uses Instance and not Vector3 as origin.

Thanks, it solved the error, but i don’t get the raycastresult? How would i get that?

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I think you made a typo: it should be

local rayresult = workspace:Raycast(RightHand, throwpos, raycastParams)

with lowercase r

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Oh no! That worked, thanks. But somehow i get nil as result??

What’s the error now? Show us your output.

That can mean that the ray didn’t hit anything

Ok, but i’m pointing at the baseplate?

Edit: Nevermind, the baseplate is locked. I think thats the problem.

Try print(rayresult.Position) rayresult contains multiple values you can read off.

That shouldn’t be a problem. I think I know what the problem is. You should try this:

local rayresult = workspace:Raycast(RightHand.Position, throwpos - RightHand.Position, raycastParams)

Yeah good idea, you can also use the UnitRay of the mouse.

Try this:

local rayresult = workspace:Raycast(RightHand.Position, (RightHand.Position - throwpos).Unit * 300, raycastParams)

I think that would be the best yeah! Thanks for helping!

Can i pass the direction and origin trough a RemoteEvent by doing this:

rayresult.Direction, RightHand.Position

(RemoteEvent Parameters)

Edit: Nevermind, i can’t didnt define it.

Yeah, you should be able to.(charz)