I’m trying to make an automatic sliding door, and it comes up with this error:
Does anybody know how to fix this?
I tried a devforum post about it, but it didn’t work.
I’m trying to make an automatic sliding door, and it comes up with this error:
It cuts off at the top, but replace
in your tweens with whatever you have it referenced to at the top, that should fix it.
It did fix it, but now theres another error.
Are ldooropened and rdooropened CFrame values?
Are rdoor and ldoor regular parts?
They are all parts.
Add .Value to the end of the closed/opened values
As I said they are all parts, and I did “tweenInfo” as specified in the third post.
If they are parts then put .Position on the end of it
But I want to use CFrame, correct?
local ldoorclosed = script.Parent.LeftDoorClosedPos.CFrame
local ldooropened = script.Parent.LeftDoorOpenedPos.CFrame
local rdoorclosed = script.Parent.RightDoorClosedPos.CFrame
local rdooropened = script.Parent.RightDoorPos.CFrame
Try replacing those with that.
Then put .CFrame on the end of it my bad