local MainInfo = TweenInfo.new(1, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut, 0)
local Tent1Stage0Props = {Position = MainTent1Pos}
local Tent2Stage0Props = {Position = MainTent2Pos}
local Tent3Stage0Props = {Position = MainTent3Pos}
local Tent1Stage0Tween = TS:Create(MainInfo, HumanoidRootPart1, Tent1Stage0Props)
local Tent2Stage0Tween = TS:Create(MainInfo, HumanoidRootPart2, Tent2Stage0Props)
local Tent3Stage0Tween = TS:Create(MainInfo, HumanoidRootPart3, Tent3Stage0Props)
As you can see in the title, It’s unable to cast instance to MainInfo
whatever that means…
I’m not sure how to fix this, so any help is appreciated!