Unable to cast token to token

I’ve been trying to make this rotation thing for about an hour now, but It just seems to give me ‘Unable to cast token to token’.

I think it’s broken or something.

I’m trying to achieve the part being able to be rotated, but all I get is this error.

Unable to cast token to token

inc = the increment (0.5)

script.RotationHandles.MouseDrag:Connect(function(norm, dist)
	local p = script.RotationHandles.Adornee
	local rot = p.Orientation
	rot = rot*Vector3.FromNormalId(norm)*inc*dist/15
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Are you using ArcHandles?

If so, Vector3.FromNormalId(norm) should error as norm will be a Axis, instead of a NormalId.

	local p = script.RotationHandles.Adornee
	local rot = p.Orientation*Vector3.FromAxis(axis)*inc*dist/15

Also, that won’t change the Orientation, if you want it to then you should assign to Orientation.

	local p = script.RotationHandles.Adornee
	p.Orientation = p.Orientation*Vector3.FromAxis(axis)*inc*dist/15

Sidenote: Setting CFrame would probably be better in this case


It did not work. Did you make a mistake in your code?

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How or with what shall the part be rotated? By pressing a special key or what?

It says RotationHandles.MouseDrag

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Yeah but what is RotationHandles and what is MouseDrag?
Make a ScreenShot of ur explorer and of ur properties.

Mouse Drag is a function of Arc handles.
So when a Handle from the Arch handle is dragged, it will do something


This is weird, I found out about this error right now as a matter of a fact, but what does it mean?
Unable to cast token to token
See this is how my script looks like.

player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local CorrectGui = player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui")

   local Goal = UDim2.new(0,0,0,0)
   local Goal2 = UDim2.new(-1.03,0,0,0)

Same issue here. Again related to the “TweenPosition” function. There really shouldn’t be an issue here but for some reason there is. I couldn’t find any other post even mentioning this error so this is currently the only shot I have at figuring out whats wrong.


local menu = nil

local mod = require(script.Parent:WaitForChild("clientmodule"))
local PLAYERS,STORAGE,player = mod.getbasics()
local drews = require(STORAGE:WaitForChild("drews"))
local ui = player.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("ui")

local function setmenu(selected)
	if menu and menu ~= selected then end
	if selected == 0 then ui.drews:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0.5,0,(menu == 0 and 1.5 or 0.5),0),Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,Enum.EasingDirection.Out,0.1) end -- the line that causes an error
	menu = selected

ui:WaitForChild("drewbutton").MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() setmenu(0) end)