Does anyone know why im getting the error “Unable to cast value to object” on the line that has “playlocalsound”?
This is for a UI in my game and its in a local script.
I am trying to play a click sound after everytime the person presses the button
This is for a UI in my game and its in a local script.
I am trying to play a click sound after everytime the person presses the button
local button = script.Parent
local shopui = script.Parent.Parent.Window
local soundservices = game:GetService('SoundService')
local click = game.SoundService.Click
if shopui.Visible == true then
shopui.Visible = false
elseif shopui.Visible == false then
shopui.Visible = true
Sorry, but you should probably format your entire code instead of just a snippet.
However, the main problem is that you’re doing soundservices:PlayLocalSound(click), but it’s actually grabbing the click from inside the parameters of the MouseButton1Down function, so you should probably rename your click variable from earlier.
I mean when posting on the DevForum. You should probably format the entire code into a code block instead of just the “elseif shopui.Visible part” so it’s more clean to read.