Well, I want to write a script to change the brick colour by random string values. However, the script is not working…
To get the actual value of the value object, you need to write script.ValueObject.Value
. script.ValueObject
will just get the value object itself, throwing the “…expected Color3, got Instance” errors you are receiving.
Also, please paste and format your code into the post instead of sending images; it makes it a lot easier to read, and sometimes the images won’t load. You can do this by pasting the code into the post and adding ``` before and after,
Still got error
Unable to assign property Color. Color3 expected, got string - Client - LocalScript:174
If you print out the value of Set1Floor3.Script.Value.Value, what does it output?
Where are you trying to set the value of it?
Im assuming your trying to set the color of a part?
script.Parent.Color = Color3.new() -- put the color inside the brackets
It wants a color3 value not a string … show us a print of the sting you’re looking to set to a color.
Remove the quotation marks, should work
Edit: Hang on im confused on what youre trying to do
Well there is your problem … you’re making it a string and you actually already have it set up to be a color3 … just remove the ""s
Use a Color3Value instead of a string value and remove the quotation marks
I just found out what you wanted to do, remove the quotation marks, and use a Color3Value instead
There you go … hope that works for ya.
Do what PoppyandNeivaarecute is saying too.
Suggest using Color3.fromRGB(211, 33, 255) … the numbers go from 0 to 255 … Red, Green, Blue
Makes it very easy to work with.
You can just look at that and see that is a purple color … it is also a universal way of calling a color.
Most every language will use that format.
If you’re new, I’d recommend starting with .BrickColor instead.
workspace.Part.BrickColor = BrickColor.new(“Pastel Blue”)
which yes you can pass a string in brickcolor.new
It also has cool functions like BrickColor.random()
Read more about brick color here,
Instead of BrickColor.new(), you should use Color3.new()
Make sure you changed the StringValue object to a Color3Value, where applicable.