Unable to click any buttons

It was working a few minutes ago, i didnt change any scripts, ui placements, of anything. i just changed the font of buttons and stuff. now i cant click anything.


Could I maybe see the StarterGui?

What do you mean? like the path?

heres the path if your asking for that

yes, first does any frame go over the buttons?

no i dont think so

char limit ahhhh

did u try to put this in a different game
So we know if its a glitch or if its just something with the scripts

i DID move it from another game, but when i did that it was working fine. in a “time line” it went like this:

1 Moved GUI to this game
2 Checked to see if it worked (it did)
3 Changed fonts of text
4 GUI Buttons stopped working

this is probably a glitch or something it never happened to me atleast

any ideas how to fix it?

Char limit

Hm maybe these can help:

  • Contact roblox support
  • Restart pc / roblox studio
  • Try looking again and if scripts are interfering
  • Check debug panel
  • Move your whole game to another place

how do i contact roblox support and how fast do they respond

And they respond in a day or so (sometimes in a few hours) by e-mail

ok thanks

o8tu7h0h8jt67 char limit

While im waiting im gonna make another post to see if anyone else knows the answer

YO dude i got everything fixed! it was some zindex and interactable issues but its good now!

Oh great!
So there was something blocking it?

I just saw this, Nothing was blocking buttons, those werent working because of the interactable thing. i changed the zindex because some elements were not showing up.