Unable to complete ID verification

I keep taking clear, well-lit photos for the verification, but it keeps saying I couldn’t verify photos. I have tried at least 5 times.

Expected behavior

I expect it to process my ID and verify me.


Heres a suggestion :

  1. Remove anything that will cover ID contents.
  2. Make sure there is no shadow on the picture.
  3. Make sure it’s bright enough.

If you done all of this and re-take. You might need to re-open roblox (Recommend) or re-install (Not recommend).

If it keeps going I highly recommend you to contact roblox support. Roblox Support

I tryed all of that and it still did not work and I don’t know what to choose on support.

You might wanna try other devices or your ID might have a problem.

I don’t have another mobile device I can try it on .