Unable to Configure Private Server

Upon trying to open the “configure private server” panel, I am met with a gray screen that reads “Unable to load private server information.”

This bug seems to happen on every single device for me, and on every single browser, no matter what platform I’m using. Also, I tried this with a friend and they have had the same issue.

Here is an image of the message.

Expected behavior

I expect the “configure private server” panel to pop up as normal.

Just wanted to make everyone aware of this, and hopefully get it fixed fast.


Hello everyone,

Our engineering teams are currently investigating the root cause of this issue.

Thank you,
Developer Relations

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Thanks for the report
May I know what is the userid and gameid/privateserverid that we are seeing this issue? also, is this seen for all private servers of that user? what is the friend’s userid and gameid/privateserverid as well?

Thanks for responding! This is seen across every single private server I own, as well as every private server my friend owns as well.

My UserID is 435643829 and my friend’s UserID is 1669821485

We have an ongoing issue, marketplace is down at the moment, so services such as teleports, private servers, are currently not working and anything thats related to subscriptions and purchases.

We will keep posted once the issue is resolved.



Site incident is fixed. Can you please check if this issue is still happening?


This issue been fixed for me at least, thank you

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