Unable to connect to Roblox under my home's Wi-Fi (Roblox Privacy Error)

I cannot log into Roblox consistently, I keep getting this error every time I attempt to do so.

I have tried the Cloudflare DNS solution (changing DNS to and, etc.) but nothing has returned successful, other than switching networks to my mobile hotspot.


Have you tried using a different browser?
EDIT: If changing a browser solves the problem, use this browser, eventually try reinstalling your favorite web browser.

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the browser is not the issue, I cannot access Studio and get disconnected frequently. When switching to a hotspot, it works.

I assume that you can’t use Roblox while using any device and this Wi-Fi router specifically. I did research and you are not alone with this problem recently. I will look into that more in the near future. You said that you tried Cloudflare DNS solution, which is I assume a solution from this topic: "Your connection is not private". Is it correct?

Correct, I followed all steps, but nothing has worked thus far.

It means your account has been banned

me when i just simply lie


Bro had to flex his Robux like that :sob::pray:t2:

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a byproduct of the actual flex; still managing to play tower battles after 2 years without updates

truly amazing how such a large-scale connection issue can just be ignored by a company. 17 billion dollar market cap, yet no teams to fix their service issues. Legend says Roblox is supposed to have engineers working on these errors, but alas, it be a myth, a mere fantasy.

edit: forgot to say, this has been happening since 11/09/23.

40k is my weekly salary, not even close to a flex

mine is around 5 so yea

120k is what my group generates in about 1.5 weeks, you aint the biggest bird

can someone who is experiencing this bug bite the bullet and buy a new router to see if that fixes it