As of 7:49 PM PST, I and two other developers are unable to connect to this Team Create place:
We were suddenly kicked from it and haven’t been able to reconnect since. It continually attempts to load the game, until eventually erroring with an unknown error. I am able to connect to other Team Create places.
I have tried “Shut Down All Servers”, but it says this:
I’m having the same problem but with my group game, I haven’t tried my other games but the games that I have in my group aren’t opening and I was also kicked out of it, im trying to rejoin but it’s not working
I’m having this exact issue. My team create experience infinitely loads but never opens. All other games work though, just one specific Team Create experience. I’ve tried all of these methods to try and fix the issue but none worked:
-Uninstalled/Reinstalled Roblox Studio
-Restarted PC
-Opened game from "Edit’ button on website
-Disabled plugins
-Reverted to previous versions (downloaded versions actually load and open on separate places)