"Unable to create an Instance of type 'EditableMesh'"

Hey everyone, there seems to be a problem with creating EditableMesh in the client side of my game environment, which may be due to the environment’s restrictions or limitations with mesh manipulation. I have already turned on, the Allow Mesh / Image APIs setting, but what could be causing this issue, as far as i’m aware this feature has been publicized and is not a beta feature anymore… thanks for the help…

local editableMesh = Instance.new("EditableMesh")

if editableMesh then
	print("EditableMesh created successfully.")
	warn("Failed to create EditableMesh.")

Relatively recently they changed the documentation.

local ImageLabel: ImageLabel
local EditableImage = game:GetService("AssetService"):CreateEditableImage({["Size"] = Vector2.new()})
ImageLabel.ImageContent = Content.fromObject(EditableImage)
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can you please refer me to the updated documentation ? I’ve taken a look but i am not quite sure as to the new additions, specifically the Content.fromObject() which could be the proper way to create and assign content to the EditableMesh ?

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In my opinion, the new documentation is confusing.

To create an EditableImage or EditableMesh based on an object, you must pass a Content object to its CreateEditableImageAsync or CreateEditableMeshAsync function, depending on what you want to create:

local C = Content.fromAssetId(ID) --> Asset ID
local Image = game:GetService("AssetService"):CreateEditableImageAsync(C)
local Mesh = game:GetService("AssetService"):CreateEditableMeshAsync(C)

and the asset ID must be yours or created within the game group.

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