Unable to Create Badges for Group Games

Page URL: https://www.roblox.com/develop/groups/3246817?selectedPlaceId=3449573444&View=21
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2021-04-01 05:04:00 (-04:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2021-04-01 05:04:00 (-04:00)

Reproduction Steps:
Attempt to create a badge for a group game that has the necessary Robux.

Expected Behavior:
A badge is successfully created.

Actual Behavior:
An error occurs that says “Upload failed. Make sure what you’re uploading is an image.” I can create the same badge fine on a non-group game, using the same image. The group contains more than enough funds to create the badge.



I’m having the same issue so this is not a one time thing but it is happening to me and 4 other developers. (I asked the 3 to upload it for me and it didn’t work either.)

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So the error is basically saying that you not uploading an Image :thinking:
Roblox might be having some problems here and there. I’ll let you know if I find a way to fix this.

Got the same error, happens even when trying to upload with .PNG, .JPG and I even tried to upload a picture that is already uploaded before.

Started happening at: 11:20 PM CEST
Last tested and still happening at: 11:57AM CEST

I hope it will get solved quickly as we plan to launch an in-game egg hunt event in 2 of our games but we cannot upload the badges.


I have the same problem, I even made a post about it.

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Thanks for reporting this. We are starting to investigate and someone should report back later today (hopefully with news it is fixed, but at at least with an update).


hey y’all - the problem should be fixed now. could you try again?


Just tried it, functions as intended now :slight_smile:


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