Unable to create experiences under group

Reproduction Steps
Recently I and multiple other users have come across a bug, when publishing or creating a new experience the place will be uploaded under the user themselves and not the group selected. The bug also applies when attempting to create a experience from https://www.roblox.com/develop/groups.

As seen here I’ve attempted four times but they all uploaded under myself.

Expected Behavior
I expect the experience to be uploaded under the group experiences tab.

Actual Behavior
The experience is uploaded under me / the user themselves.

Issue Area: Studio
Issue Type: Other
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2021-10-16 00:10:00 (+11:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2021-10-16 00:10:00 (+11:00)


I second this. Also not able to create a new place under an experience.


Having the same issue. Unable to update my game because of this.


Nevermind, not the same issue. Pretty sure you can avoid doing that if you select who the game is under before publishing. There is a dropdown tab before you upload.

Have you tried creating the place and then manually changing it to a group game? If that doesn’t work I’m pretty sure there’s nothing we can do to counter this until Roblox themselves address it. If I were you I’d create a regular place to get started until you can copy it over to the group.

Did you trying creating a place using the roblox studio game explorer?

What do you mean by this? It’s not possible to transfer places or experiences from profiles to groups.

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There is actually, you can “Publish to Roblox To…” in Roblox Studio if you go to file.

That’s regular publishing, not transferring experiences between profiles and groups. Yes, you can publish any file to either a profile or a group using the dropdown to determine which location you want to upload to and either overwrite an existing place or create a new one. That’s not “manually changing a place to a group game”, that’s just publishing the file to a different location.

That’s what this bug report is on, publishing under a group. OP has already tried uploading via Studio and the Develop page as per the original text; you’re essentially suggesting to try the exact feature that OP is reporting is non-working.


Make sure to set the scroll wheel in studio to the group of your choice. Make sure it isn’t on “Me”.

Are you still experiencing this issue? A fix for a similar issue has been released and hopefully this issue no longer occurs.

The issue has been fixed a little back. Thanks for the help!

The issue for creating experiences under group is happening again.

Issue has been solved once again.

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