Unable to create places within an experience through APIs

This is a weird one that only kind of falls under this category, but please work with me here:

  • We have a tool that creates places under an experience using the https://www.roblox.com/ide/places/createV2 endpoint
  • We want to use https://apis.roblox.com/universes/v1/universes/create but don’t know how to specify it to create within an experience/universe.
  • The createV2 endpoint is now throwing errors at us saying Invalid universe, breaking our workflow.

Ideally, I would like to learn what parameter is necessary to pass into the newer API to create it under an experience rather than using the legacy createV2 API.

The API wizard @juliaoverflow might be able to help with this :thinking:

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You can use the newer POST https://apis.roblox.com/universes/v1/user/universes/UNIVERSE_ID/places API for creating a place under a universe. Request body:

{ "templatePlaceId": 95206881 }

Response body:

{ "placeId": PLACE_ID }

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