Unable to Delete Assets

Reproduction Steps

  1. Turn on a VPN, any VPN detected by Roblox will do
  2. Go to a few assets you want to delete from your inventory
  3. Click “Delete From Inventory” on the first asset and second asset
  4. Observe the “Failed to delete item from your inventory” message on the second asset

Device Info

  • User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/93.0.4577.63 Safari/537.36
  • Platform Type: PC
  • Device Type: Computer

Expected Behavior
I expect that I can delete assets at a normal pace without any errors, on a VPN or not.

Actual Behavior
Since I am using a VPN, Roblox adds very low rate limits to essentially block people using a VPN from using it. This is very problematic when trying to clear my inventory of junk, and many people use a VPN so it is concerning when access is heavily restricted. This is not a symptom of people simply using the same IP as it’s very unlikely that on 5 different servers there are other people who are trying to delete items from their inventory at the same time at such a fast rate. The endpoint will return 429 after one request to “block” VPN IPs, which makes no sense at all for such a simple action of deleting an item from your inventory. This also happens when trying to browse the catalog for some reason.


Turn off your VPN, which is annoying and may not be possible for some users.

Issue Area: Roblox Website
Page URL: https://www.roblox.com/library/ANYASSETID
Impact: Moderate
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2021-09-04 11:09:00 (-07:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2021-09-04 11:09:00 (-07:00)


This happened to me as well when I was trying to remove a plugin.

I am on Windows 8.1 laptop using Firefox. I don’t know the version of Firefox currently, but I am sure that I have all Windows updates installed.

The only difference for me is that I don’t have a VPN but I still get the issue.

My reproduction steps were to go to a asset (I only had it happen to me on a plugin, but I haven’t tried anything else), make sure you own the asset, and to try to remove it from your inventory. It will probably have the error.

I first experienced this today.

The frequency would be constantly on the asset that can’t be deleted but I don’t know how often it is when referring to how often it will give the error between multiple assets.

I’ll add more details when I am able to check my laptop.

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This is the problem with VPN and proxy detection, there are a lot of false positives involved. Roblox has recently “improved” their detection, but it impacts users in negative ways. Roblox should fix whatever underlying issues they are trying to patch with this extreme rate limit rather than limiting functionality of the website.