Unable to delete group wall posts by user when using the delete all posts option

Whenever trying to delete wall posts in bulk when kicking a user, it won’t work and will come up with the error message below

as a result our group has been riddled with spam, after the error shows up once it wont let you manually delete messages either until you refresh the page

Expected behavior

I expect the group wall messages to be deleted and the user to be kicked.

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Hello @iOwn_You , thank you for your feedback. We will investigate the issue. Do you have any information on the network response you’re receiving when you attempt to delete them?

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hey, i just checked now
it returns 405 on a DELETE request to https://groups.roblox.com/v1/groups/7857550/forums/7979505409/posts

    "errors": [
            "code": 17,
            "message": "The operation is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.",
            "userFacingMessage": "The operation is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later."

Hi, I investigated and the wall posts are being deleted. The error banner is a false negative from a different endpoint and will be fixed soon.

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