Unable to download sound data, have to manually whitelist sounds via browser

When the audio update came out, I remember seeing a prompt in the output saying that you could click to whitelist the audio for the game. Now, it just displays as “Unable to load sound data”. Nowadays, I have to manually get the assetid, put it in my browser, go to the permissions tab, and whitelist my game’s universeid which is a task that takes too much time for me.

I would like it so I could whitelist my audio via the studio output.

Reproduction Steps -

  • Upload an audio asset
  • Put that same asset in a different universe/game

Images/Videos Attached


It would’ve been better if you made a feature request to do so instead of making a bug report


Have you seen the Asset Privacy Documentation? The prompt you mention only shows upon publishing. A recent update also added the ability to add IDs in bulk on the experience’s page, which is also documented there, for what it’s worth.

Is the prompt never showing, even upon publishing?


It’s not necessarily a feature, it’s more of a bug which is why I reported it. I don’t think it’s normal for the output to be saying that it’s unable to load the sound data when it should be prompting me to whitelist the sound

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It’s still tedious to find the settings for the sound ID and add the universe ID’s even in bulk. Yes, the prompt is not showing even upon publishing and I’d have to upload more than a hundred sounds if I did not feel like going through each sound and whitelisting them manually… which is something that I’m not willing to do

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@Ande1steve5 We are working on bringing back the prompt with bulk asset permission granting. Until then as @moo1210 mentioned, you can use the newly added permissions page under experiences in Creator Dashboard where you can copy paste all the asset Ids from the error output.

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@Ande1steve5 Permissions should also be auto-granted when audio is inserted from the toolbox, uploaded into the experience, or the asset ID is pasted in the data model. How are you adding these audio assets to your experience?

The issue was fixed, but originally the audio assets were added from a different game.

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