Unable to edit the title and tags in feature requests and bug reports from Bug Support

I currently can’t change the title and the tags which my feature requests and bug reports come from @Bug-Support

This is what I see when I try to do this

I understand the category, but the title and the tags can’t be changed, I want to change the title to “Custom Services Creation”, but I can’t and the title is so bad (to me tbh) and I want to change the title, and I want to add some tags like #service and #custom

I understand that they must be done on the Private Message but I don’t feel like doing it in the PM

this is the topic


Non-regulars can’t be trusted to make bug reports without audit, what makes you think they can be trusted not to rename their threads to some garbage, or move them somewhere stupid?


I only want members to be able to edit the title and the tags, not the category, but I want to change the name because the name is already garbage


I dont have acces to bug report


you can always message @Bug-Support to create a topic in #bug-reports


Letting you modify the title makes sense but this use case does not happen very frequently so it hasn’t really made sense for us to implement something complicated here. It will likely be a thing in the future. Discourse doesn’t support this edge case by default unfortunately.

We’re additionally planning to launch some more changes to how bug reporting looks on the forum in the next few months, which also changes some things related to categories/tags, so want to be a bit conservative here in what we allow users to edit for now.


Side comment: please note that neither this, nor “allow us to create custom services” is a good feature request title. It doesn’t really explain at all what the problem is that you’re wanting us to solve. I’d assume your actual problem is something related to wanting to better organize your code.

We want you to post about problems, so our teams can work to find solutions that solve the most problems reported by users at once. The suggested solution in the thread may not be the only or the best solution. We have a ton of folks working full-time figuring out how the product should look like in the future and how everything integrates together.

For the future, I recommend focusing your posts around problems, and only mentioning a suggested solution as a footnote.