Unable to get keycode in table

Idk why it don’t work here is code :

local aTable = {Enum.KeyCode.E, Enum.Keycode.R}

it print “nil” can someone explain.

You are setting it as a value in the table, and then trying to get a value associated with it as a key. Since you’re not setting anything as a value with the Enum as the key—you’re just setting the key at 1 to the Enum—indexxing the table with the Enum won’t find anything. If you want to search a table’s values, use table.find.

Edit: I reread my post and it was a bit unclear, so here’s a visual explanation:

Key Value
1 Enum.KeyCode.E
2 Enum.KeyCode.R

What’s the value associated with the key of Enum.KeyCode.E in the table? There’s nothing there, so nil.