Unable to import mesh


When I upload a mesh using Bulk Import it says Unable to import, all the tris has less than 10k tris.

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I have seen more of this Status Code: 500 bug in the last few days. I think the best you can do is restart your Roblox Studio. There are many people with the same problem, but I haven’t seen a solution for it.

Yeah, restarting my studio didn’t really work. I guess we’ll have to wait for roblox to fix it

Having the same issue with the same error code. Exporting seperately does not fix the issue, certain meshes will just not import

I cannot import meshes either. I thought it was just me I don’t know how to fix it either :frowning:

Looks like we’re all having the same problem, couldn’t find a fix for it either :thinking:

Try this : Go inside blender and rename your objects to Cube,Cylinder etc. I had a very similar issue and i fixed it that way.

Hello there!

I’m trying to look into this issue, would it be possible to share the fbx or obj files that cause this issue and the bulk importer configuration used.

If you don’t want your files to be public, you can send them to me via DM as well.


The issues has been fixed, thank you!

happening to me now, how was this fixed?

Also happening with me, I think it’s just another bug that is occurring and having to wait?

Could you state your solution please?