Unable to join created game, but able to join others

When I try to joing a game that I created on ROBLOX, it continuously loads for 10 minutes, then pops up with the error "Something unexpectedly tried to set the parent of to NULL while trying to set the parent of . Current Parent PlayerGUI”

This the following I also receive from logs:
1588835085.52755,3a7c,6 LoadClientSettingsFromLocal group: “ClientAppSettings”
1588835085.55755,3a7c,6 Loading AppSettings.xml from C:\Users\PC\AppData\Local\Roblox\Versions\version-d8b93c3784384690\AppSettings.xml
1588835085.55755,3a7c,6 setAssetFolder content
1588835085.55955,3a7c,6 setExtraAssetFolder C:/Users\PC\AppData\Local\Roblox\Versions\version-d8b93c3784384690\ExtraContent
1588835088.33343,3a7c,6 CrashReporter Start
1588835088.33343,ac60,6 WatcherThread Started
1588835088.45446,3a7c,6 Info: Initializing new game
1588835088.45946,3a7c,6 account = UA-43420590-14, schedule = 500
1588835088.72351,3a7c,6 D3D11 Adapter: AMD Radeon RX 5700
1588835088.72351,3a7c,6 D3D11 Adapter: Vendor 1002 Device 731f VRAM 3072 RAM 1023
1588835088.72351,3a7c,6 Caps: ThreadSafe 0 Framebuffer 1 FpFramebuffer 1 Shaders 1 Compute 1 Instancing 1 ConstBuffers 1
1588835088.72351,3a7c,6 Caps: Framebuffer: MRT 8 MSAA 8 Stencil 1
1588835088.72351,3a7c,6 Caps: Framebuffer: Depth16 1 Depth24 1 DepthFloat 1 DepthClamp 1
1588835088.72351,3a7c,6 Caps: Texture: RGB10A2 1 RG11B10F 1
1588835088.72351,3a7c,6 Caps: Texture: DXT 1 PVR 0 ETC1 0 ETC2 0 Half 1
1588835088.72351,3a7c,6 Caps: Texture: 3D 1 Array 1 Depth 1 MSAA 1 MSAAFP16 0
1588835088.72451,3a7c,6 Caps: Texture: NPOT 1 PartialMips 1 CubeMipGen 1 CubeFramebuffer 1
1588835088.72451,3a7c,6 Caps: Texture: Size 16384 Units 16
1588835088.72451,3a7c,6 Caps: ConstantBufferSize 65536
1588835088.72451,3a7c,6 Caps: 32bIdx 1 Memoryless 0
1588835088.72451,3a7c,6 Caps: ColorBGR 0 HalfPixelOffset 0 RTFlip 0 MinusOneToOneDepth 0
1588835088.74095,3a7c,6 Video memory size: 2147483648
1588835088.76881,3a7c,6 Loaded 315 shaders from pack d3d11 variant default (1355780 bytes)
1588835088.76881,3a7c,6 Compiled 315 shaders in 27 ms
1588835088.85806,3a7c,6 Studio D3D9 GPU: AMD Radeon RX 5700
1588835088.85806,3a7c,6 Studio D3D9 GPU: Vendor 1002 Device 731f
1588835088.85806,3a7c,6 Studio D3D9 Driver: aticfx32.dll 26.20.15019.1003
1588835088.85906,3a7c,6 ESGamePerfMonitor GPU: Vendor 00001002 Device 0000731f
1588835088.85906,3a7c,6 ESGamePerfMonitor GPU: SubSys 0b361002 Revision 000000c4
1588835088.85906,3a7c,6 ESGamePerfMonitor GPU: DedicatedVidMem 3221225472 DedicatedSysMem 1073676288 SharedSystemMemory 150783090443157504
1588835089.74547,2a04,6 PlaceLauncher URL : https://assetgame.roblox.com/game/PlaceLauncher.ashx?request=RequestGame&browserTrackerId=48636531469&placeId=4996608863&isPlayTogetherGame=false
1588835090.67360,2a04,6 PlaceLauncher.ashx(request took 927.91ms) response:[{“jobId”:“JoinPlace=4996608863;”,“status”:0,“joinScriptUrl”:null,“authenticationUrl”:null,“authenticationTicket”:null,“message”:null}]
1588835092.42799,2a04,6 PlaceLauncher.ashx(request took 454.25ms) response:[{“jobId”:“JoinPlace=4996608863;”,“status”:0,“joinScriptUrl”:null,“authenticationUrl”:null,“authenticationTicket”:null,“message”:null}]
1588835094.58547,2a04,6 PlaceLauncher.ashx(request took 467.29ms) response:[{“jobId”:“574e8077-eb96-4b46-a154-f076b70c429a”,“status”:2,“joinScriptUrl”:"https://assetgame.roblox.com/Game/Join.ashx?ticketVersion=2&ticket={“UserId”%3A79654711%2C"UserName"%3A"zinorules"%2C"DisplayName"%3A"zinorules"%2C"CharacterFetchUrl"%3A"https%3A%2F%2Fapi.roblox.com%2Fv1.1%2Favatar-fetch%2F%3FplaceId%3D4996608863%26userId%3D79654711"%2C"GameId"%3A"574e8077-eb96-4b46-a154-f076b70c429a"%2C"PlaceId"%3A4996608863%2C"UniverseId"%3A1721206622%2C"IsTeleport"%3Afalse%2C"FollowUserId"%3Anull%2C"TimeStamp"%3A"5%2F7%2F2020+2%3A04%3A53+AM"%2C"CharacterAppearanceId"%3A79654711%2C"AlternateName"%3Anull%2C"JoinTypeId"%3A1%2C"MatchmakingDecisionId"%3Anull}&signature=U9kzm9f8E9Mw%2BkQR0FIUhLwVkIta1ucbFHx9cs3uiuNIn9fnS28kKc46%2Bdv9X0e389rq9Eus4LmGpOg1qj1kbp6rNyCK6SGLLq%2FocLeb79ge6bwg3Afwbd%2F4dOQRafv6klYj20JhYB9ReU0B6uXpIMJUpjf68eMShVX67rkbVuc6%2BacYBaiKJMfcW7ivg
1588835095.05558,6f40,7 NetworkClient:Create
1588835095.05758,6f40,6 ! Joining game ‘574e8077-eb96-4b46-a154-f076b70c429a’ place 4996608863 at
1588835095.05758,6f40,6 Report game_join_loadtime: sid:d68d9a7c-ce8a-455b-a019-b50d97403f3d, clienttime:1588835095.1289999485, userid:79654711, join_time:26.107030376845969499, referral_page:, universeid:1721206622, placeid:4996608863,
1588835095.05758,6f40,7 Client:Connect serverPort(53120) clientPort(0) threadSleepTime(-1)
1588835095.07458,6f40,6 Connecting to
1588835095.07458,6f40,7 Connecting to server, IP(inet_addr): 3895119569 Port: 53120
1588835096.25484,9ae0,6 Connection accepted from|53120
1588835096.25484,9ae0,7 serverId:|53120
1588835096.25585,9ae0,7 Replicator created for player|53120
1588835096.25585,9ae0,7 Replicator created: 17BF2F98
1588835097.98923,dfe0,7 Time taken to initialize schema = 1.833700 ms
1588835097.98923,dfe0,7 Assigned peer id = 4
1588835097.98923,dfe0,7 Join snapshot timer: 0.088300
1588835098.00424,cde8,6 LocalStorage loading from path: C:\Users\PC\AppData\Local\Roblox\LocalStorage\appStorage.json
1588835098.05425,10d18,6 LocalStorage loading data: {“BrowserTrackerId”:“0”}
1588835108.52192,3a7c,7 Client:Disconnect
1588835108.52292,3a7c,7 Time to disconnect replication data: 0.919200
1588835108.52292,3a7c,7 Sending disconnect with reason: -1
1588835108.92229,fb30,7 Connection lost
1588835108.92229,fb30,7 Connection lost: connectMode: Disconnect ASAP, timeMS:1094023793, connectionTime 1094010723
1588835108.92329,fb30,7 Connection lost: AckTimeout 0, IsOutgoingDataWaiting 0
1588835108.92329,fb30,7 Disconnection Notification. Reason: -1
1588835109.02401,3a7c,6 OnDisconnect http req time:501.10ms (timeout)
1588835109.02401,3a7c,7 Replicator destroyed: 17BF2F98
1588835109.02401,3a7c,7 Sending disconnect with reason: -1
1588835109.06817,3a7c,7 Client:Disconnect
1588835109.08918,3a7c,7 NetworkClient:Remove

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It appears you are already in the server, as it says joining server, and you can see the dev console.
I believe it’s possible to disable the loading screen, try this:

It’s clear to say this is most likely an issue on Roblox’s side. While there is a possibly you have some sort of universal script in every single game of yours that causes things like this, that is very unlikely.

If the suggestion by the above poster doesn’t help, you may consider filing a bug report.

Do I need to put it into a script on workspace? Because I did that and it did not work.

Put it in a local script in replicated first, as it is one of the first things that load, and GUI better handled in a local script.

I can now see the map, but I’m still unable to spawn.

Maybe put load character somewhere, or listening to errors. Does it work in studio?

It works on studio when I play.

Are you going to try to load character, or try to fix the warnings in the dev console when you join?

im trying to load my character

No, as in game.Players.LocalPlayer:LoadCharacter()

yea, im trying load in my character and play the game

Update: The something unexpected part doesn’t appear anymore, but im still unable to join and the client freezes after loading for 10+ minutes.

I’m not sure at this point, try to copy and paste your stuff in another game, maybe one script at a time, and if that doesn’t work then idk to tell you.

I got a similar one. I cannot join games upon clicking the green play button. Once i click on it, nothing happens. The prompt that lets you know doesn’t pop up. I even restarted, shutdown my computer, deleted roblox from my directories, and the problem is still there. I even logged out and in, and the problem is still there.

EDIT: i found the solution that is the only one that works. I have the windows 10 roblox app. and i am using it.

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