Unable to join created group

While going to create a group yesterday, I clicked on the purchase button for the group and an error was shown, afterwards, I went to create the group again and was shown an error saying the group already existed, however when searching the group up on the Roblox groups page, it said the group had 0 members however was the exact group I had created (same icon, name); I attempted to join the group and was given an error, even though the group was not shown as locked or private; I had forwarded the group to friends to see if they were able to join and none were able to join the group.

Upon looking into the API, the group shows as owned by my account, however does not appear in my groups or say that I am a member of it (https://groups.roblox.com/v2/groups?groupIds=33573670)

The group in question: untitled bad games - Roblox

Using V1 group API, the owner is shown as null

I was still charged for the group, as shown here:

Device Info
User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/
Platform Type: PC
Device Type: Computer

Expected behavior

Group should be created, members should be able to join and I should have ownership.


Having the exact same issue with one of my groups

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Hello @Starnamics and @DesiredLion ! Thank you for reporting this, we are aware of an issue that can lead to this scenario and are working to resolve it. In the meantime, if you need to help reclaiming those groups, please submit a ticket via Support and our customer support team can assist you!



That’s great! Good to know its being worked on.

I tried contacting Support through a ticket, and got a default unrelated answer by a representative. Ever since I replied explaining my issue once again, and telling them that their answer was completely unrelated, I have not heard anything back, nor has ownership of said group been returned to me.

What else should I do?

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Hello @DesiredLion and @Starnamics! The underlying issue that led to this state is fixed. Unfortunately there was a problem that occurred during the creation of those groups that left them in bad state. Even if you claim ownership you may still experience unexpected issues.

I suggest creating new groups now that the fix is in to avoid that. If you’d like to create groups with the same name, please request that the representative rename the bad groups to something else for you, and refer them to this message if necessary. I apologize for the inconvenience!


Thank you for the help!

I’ll reach out to Roblox support again and see if I can get the group (or at least another group renamed)

Last time I reached out I had received a pretty generic response however hopefully mentioning this post will help.


Thanks for the help!

Like @Starnamics said;

I too, received a pretty default response, unrelated to the issue I’ve specified multiple times. I’ll try once again, hoping that they will actually take a look at this post and not just send out another generic response.

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I’ve created a ticket and asked them to rename the bad group to something else so I could create a new one.
I’ve explained what caused this (per the information you provided) and linked them to this post and your message specifically.

Unfortunately, I’ve only got another typical Roblox Support answer (sorry not sorry), this time from Technical support, complicating things more than necessary…
I know there’s very little you can do about this but I can confidently say, it’s not just me-- but the entire Dev Community (hell, the entire Roblox community) getting fed up with this.

It’s like either the CS Team can’t read proper English, or likes to complicate and drag things along more than they should be.

For example;
This was the original response after opening up my ticket explaining about the issue (linking them to this thread aswell). Now understandably, there might be some confusion / default steps for the user to try out as I’m sure there are enough people that make tickets for invalid / unclear / N.A.B reasons.

My problem lies with mainly Response 2, where after clearing it up ONCE AGAIN, it literally isn’t hard to understand what’s going on, or rather, isn’t hard to understand that my issue wasn’t the things they were providing answers for. There’s no way you can look at this ticket conversation and make case that it doesn’t look like it’s just default CS tags. Default pre-written messages for common problems / solutions

Ticket Response 1

Hello Mike,

Thank you for contacting Roblox Customer Support.

Please read the following information regarding group ownership:

  • When you first create a group, you are the group owner.
  • If you willingly give away ownership to another member, we will not be able to award ownership back to your account.
  • If the group leader leaves the group without selecting the new owner, any group member can claim ownership.
  • If the original group owner was compromised when they lost ownership, sometimes the group can be restored to them. These are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and there’s no guarantee that we can restore the group. Also, we can’t award group ownership to a different player if there is already a group owner.

To read more about groups, please check out our Group help articles.

Customer Support
Roblox Support



Looking at your response, you must have misunderstood my question.

When I created a group, and spent 100 Robux on it, I never had ownership in the first place. It never assigned the group to my account. And thus, closed the group.

I found out this is a website bug as other players are experiencing it aswell.

Hence my question if you could do the following;

  • Forward this bug to the engineers that work on the website team

  • Return ownership of said group to my account; DesiredLion or if not possible, rename it so I can create a new one.

Said bugged group: |DA| Opleidingscenter Initiële Opleidingen - Roblox
Thanks in advance!



Ticket Response 2

Hello Mike,

Thank you for contacting Roblox Customer Support.

Please try the steps listed in the General Roblox Website Issues Help article starting with the “Clear your Temporary Internet Files and Cookies” section.

If your issue continues to persist, please don’t hesitate to let us know by replying to this message.

Customer Support
Roblox Support



Once again; This is not my issue.

I’ve created a Bug Report on the DevForum, and apparently, it was a bug after all!
Roblox Admin gameon (@Im_gameon) recently reported that the underlying issue with this bug has been resolved. However, we were to ask the Representative to rename the bad groups to something else, so we can create new groups with this name.
We were to refer you to this post, for confirmation.

Once again, here’s the information you could possibly need.
Bad group, I’m requesting you to rename: |DA| Opleidingscenter Initiële Opleidingen - Roblox
My profile: DesiredLion - Roblox

Thanks in advance!


@lm_gameon I really don’t know what else I can do to make it clear for CS that all I need from them is to just change the group name…
See, the issue with this is, it isn’t the first time me, and a number of other developers I’ve worked with in the past year have had this issue.
I reached out to a couple of developers I (used to) work with and asked if they recently (<3 months) had contacted Support. Out of the ones that did, they told me they recently had such similar experience.

It would be much appreciated if you could forward this problem to the CS department, and ask them to rename this group to something else, as I’m not expecting it to be resolved through CS.

Once again, sorry for this rant, as I’m aware you can’t do much about it, but we’re all kinda getting fed up with it.


I would like to add to this as I also encountered an extremely similar response from CS when attempting to have a group renamed, I attempted numerous times and it ended in them saying they are unable to help.

Initial Support Request (Me)

I created a group and was charged 100 Robux however did not receive ownership of the group, I have reported this bug on the developer forum and was told to contact Roblox support for assistance in reclaiming the group.

Unable to join created group

Group ID: 33573670
untitled bad games - Roblox

Any help is appreciated.

Support Response (CS)

Hello there,

Thank you for contacting Roblox Customer Support.

Please read the following information regarding group ownership:

  • When you first create a group, you are the group owner.
  • If you willingly give away ownership to another member, we will not be able to award ownership back to your account.
  • If the group leader leaves the group without selecting the new owner, any group member can claim ownership.
  • If the original group owner was compromised when they lost ownership, sometimes the group can be restored to them. These are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and there’s no guarantee that we can restore the group. Also, we can’t award group ownership to a different player if there is already a group owner.

To read more about groups, please check out our Group help articles.

Customer Support
Roblox Support

My Reply (Me)

Hey there,

I was told to reference this Developer Forum reply:
Unable to join created group - Bug Reports / Roblox Application and Website Bugs - Developer Forum | Roblox (Unable to join created group - #5 by lm_gameon)

Support Response (CS)

Hello there,

Thank you for getting back to us.

We have gone through your query and we would like to ask you for information on Roblox groups, we recommend visiting our Group help articles.

Customer Support
Roblox Support

My Reply (Me)

Hey there Porter,

The group link is:
untitled bad games - Roblox

I would like to have this group here renamed:
untitled. games - Roblox

Developer Forum Post: Unable to join created group - #5 by lm_gameon



Support Response (CS)


We’re sorry but we’re unable to provide you with any further information or response regarding this inquiry. We encourage you to review the previous information sent to you as we have provided you with all that we can at this time.


Customer Support
Roblox Support

Out of this exchange, absolutely nothing happened, even after bringing up the developer forum post multiple times.



Hey there, any update on this?

I still haven’t heard back from Customer Support…
I was also wondering, do we get compensated for the Robux lost during the creation of this group?


Hello @Starnamics and @DesiredLion , I’m sorry for the trouble this has caused. I will work on getting this resolved for you right away!


Tried too, and I can’t join the group.

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Your group is still bugged

Also, I can’t join

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Hello @Starnamics and @DesiredLion, we’ve fix the issue with those groups and you should now have ownership of them. Let me know if you still can’t access them.

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Thank you very much, I have ownership of the group now!

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Same, I now too have ownership of the group!

Thank you for resolving this, and please forward said things about the CS team to the CS department; it’s really not a luxury for them to improve on that…

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It happened again to my group

This issue isn’t related to the post since it is an error regarding the Group API that is occurring currently.

Group Page Not Displaying Member and Experience Information
Groups API show only unauthenticated requests

Don’t worry, the engineers are aware and they are working on it according to the message on the Roblox Status website: