Issue Type: Connectivity Impact: High Frequency: Constantly Date First Experienced: 2021-03-29 17:03:00 (+13:00) Date Last Experienced: 2021-03-29 22:03:00 (+13:00)
Reproduction Steps:
I am unable to join any of my team create places.
I’ve received two different errors over the past few hours.
For others experiencing this issue, these errors are:
Text Description of error messages
“Unable to open the place. Please restart your application and try again. If you continue to encounter this error, please contact customer service. Request Status Code: 2 Connection Result: 4”
“Unable to open the place. Please restart your application and try again. If you continue to encounter this error, please contact customer service. Request Status Code: 2 Connection Result: 0 Connection Closed: ReplicationDisconnect | Disconnected due to authentication failure. Please upgrade to the latest version of Roblox and reconnect”
Did you happen to update all the plugins; nor the Roblox Studio? Reinstalling them might work, but if this is doesn’t still work I recommend contacting the Roblox Support or wait for actions.
As far as I believe, I reinstalled my Studio once, however once I fully installed it, my files weren’t deleted nor my Plugins, however if this affected or was falsely informated, to get your plugins back head to the Plugin Management to see it. This may delete sometimes, but possibly without Deleting the Main App, that isn’t Roblox Studio this won’t possibly go wrong.
I’ve spoken to a few other developers who have also experienced this. They were unable to use studio for a few hours and just had to constantly attempt to get in until it worked one time a few hours later.