Unable to launch Roblox games on macOS

Entering a Roblox game will always bring up the “Updating Roblox…” window but never launch the game itself. This began happening in the beginning of this week. I have tried fully reinstalling Roblox before, which did fix an issue I was running into with Studio.

Here’s a video showing me trying to launch the game once, allowing it to update and then trying again.

System Specs:
Screen Shot 2020-03-19 at 11.12.05 PM

Crash log:
Roblox_2020-03-22-201450_Adams-MacBook-Pro.crash.zip (18.9 KB)

I’ve experienced this before on Windows. What I’m about to share are just work arounds or “bandaids” so that you could hopefully resume your workflow for the mean time, but I can’t guarantee it’ll have the same effect on macOS.

Always remember to backup important files involved with these actions/processes.

  1. If you haven’t already, try reinstalling Roblox Player. This usually fixes the average setup.
  2. Manually delete the Roblox Player version folder. I’m not a macOS user so I’m not sure if you have one of these.
  3. If you’ve modified your network settings recently, try reverting those one at a time.
  4. Try using a VPN.
  5. Temporarily disable your system security or “antivirus”
  6. Check for software updates.
  7. Check for driver updates? I’ve never heard of a macOS driver, so if you do have drivers, check those out.
  8. Inquire with your Internet Provider about requests to Roblox.

These have solved my cases with this issue in the recent years, hopefully at least one of these would work for you and identify the underlying issue.

I’ve had a similar issue with an iMac too a few months ago. I played around with it a bit and after a few days the issue went away. I turned off my firewall, restarted it, and checked if it was in issue on other computers.

Also, look into this:

  1. Do you have the same issue on a PC? (you should try if you have a PC)

  2. Also, I don’t know how to access the “roblox game” version, but when you click https://clientsettingscdn.roblox.com/v1/settings/application?applicationName=StudioApp do you see a ton of text? If so, that means it is NOT your network blocking access. If you don’t see a giant block of text, it means your network is blocking access.

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I’m able to launch games perfectly fine on Windows- have tried with Bootcamp and using my other machine. Don’t have any firewall enabled and Roblox has full disk access. Not able to launch it on any other user account on my Mac as well- even after a complete reinstall on that separate account.

Also went to that page, and it loaded just fine; definitely not my internet.

I’d hate to tell you to “wait it out”, because it may not happen for you, but for me, I just rebooted my computer a few times and it worked.

Had a similar issue, I open up the ROBLOX player app in spotlight, let it load up roblox.com and then it usually fixes the issue for me.

Have added a crash log from when trying to launch the Roblox player to OP.

I am experiencing something similar to this. Every time I try to play a game on Roblox, it says Roblox is upgrading, and then it opens up the Roblox homepage. I tried reinstalling Roblox as well as restarting my MacOS laptop.

I tried the solutions people have suggested in this thread; however, they have not worked. I know this post is from 2 years ago, but if anyone has a solution, can you let me know?