Unable to load plugin icon

I currently have this code:

local toolbar = plugin:CreateToolbar(“SafeShield”)
local MainButton = toolbar:CreateButton(“SafeShield”,“Main”,“rbxassetid://11237984749”)
local SettingsButton = toolbar:CreateButton(“Settings”,“Settings”,“rbxassetid://11238002938”)

Here are the asset ID’s:

However I’m getting Unable to load plugin icon and it replaces the icons with x’s. This is my first time making a plugin so I don’t know what to do

Can you show me? Like in a picture



Followed the tutorial thing straight from the developer docs so i have no idea why this isnt working

Hmmm, are you able to use it on a part? Like put the decal on the part and see if it works

If it doesnt, then test it on another decal from the toolbox

When I made my one terrible plugin, I watched the dev Kings video on it

Just try again.
Just try again.

You’re using the wrong asset ids. You’re currently using the decal asset id which only provides information on the website about the asset. You need the image asset id which provides the actual image to be rendered in-experience.

Use 11237984738 (shield) and 11238002932 (shield settings).

local toolbar = plugin:CreateToolbar("SafeShield")
local MainButton = toolbar:CreateButton("SafeShield","Main","rbxassetid://11237984738")
local SettingsButton = toolbar:CreateButton("Settings","Settings","rbxassetid://11238002932")

This renders the images in the toolbar.