Unable to locate items in plugin?

Hey so i have been trying to make a plugin to make keybinds easier but then because this is my first time, I am confused by the error.
I am unable to locate anything inside my plugin script (or just my gui).

local toolbar = plugin:CreateToolbar("Keybind Creator")
local mainBtn = toolbar:CreateButton("Create Keybinds", "Create New Keybind", "rbxassetid://1317795086")
local opened = false
--local keybindUI = script.KeybindUI
local bin = script
local gui = bin.KeybindUI:Clone()
gui.Parent = game:GetService('CoreGui')
local function onBtnClicked()
	if not opened then
		opened = true
		print('opened keybindcreator')
		gui.Enabled = true
	--insertUI = Instance.new("ScreenGui", game.CoreGui)
	--insertFrame = Instance.new("Frame",insertUI)
	--insertFrame.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 1, 0)
	--insertFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 0
	else if opened then
		print('closed keybindcreator')
		gui.Enabled = false
		opened = false

It always comes up with:
11:18:47.564 - Keybind PluginTest.lua:3: attempt to index nil with ā€˜KeybindUIā€™

I have checked other scripts and compared then but I still donā€™t understand why there is an error in my script.

Just gonna point out a lot of things wrong with this script:

Why do you parent the gui to CoreGui?
For gui stuff, this should be created on the client. You donā€™t check gui stuff like button click functions on the server because then that just makes the ā€œserversā€ job pointless. (clickdetector doesnt count unless you want it to do something client sided)
What is the ā€œplugin,ā€ a module?

I donā€™t really understand you as this is my first time ever trying to make a plugin.
Also I not that good of a scripter too.

He is scripting a roblox studio plugin. This is how some of them work, though widgets are better. If you want a in depth tutorial I made one here

It looks quite helpful. Thank you.
Also, you have lots of typos in it.

Yeah probs lol. I just fixed one but there is probably a ton

How would I use a GUI though?
I would rather not use instance.new
Also because I have no idea how to edit the dock widget thing.

Well what your script did is fine but you just arenā€™t saving it correctly. You have to select everything(including the gui) and then save it.

Do i need to select the frames and buttons inside?

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No I guess?!?!. 30 charssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

Well i didnā€™t and it still worked

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