Unable to make shop GUI appear

So, I am trying to make this cookie clicker game and i have come across an issue
that i have somehow not been able to fix for a while now. The issue is that I am
trying to make the gui become visible when the player touches a part but i cannot
seem to get it to work. Ive looked at many different dev forum posts and even tried to copy and paste the Developer Documentation scripts. I have also tried to alter the cantouch checkbox. This is the script that I ended up with:

ShopTouch = script.Parent

	if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
		game.StarterGui.Shop.Frame.Visible = true

game.StarterGui is a container for all the UI’s which replicates to the Player’s PlayerGui. You’d need to get the player’s Player Instance from hit, then index through to Player.PlayerGui.Shop.Frame.

For example,

ShopTouch = script.Parent
local Players = game:GetService("Players")

    local player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent)
    if not player then return end
    local PlayerGui = player.PlayerGui
    PlayerGui.Shop.Frame.Visible = true

That doesn’t work as the StartGui is, as in the name, the starting Gui each New player gets when they leave or join. Try this?

game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent).PlayerGui.Frame.Visible = true

Somehow im having the same problem, is the local script meant to be somewhere other than inside the text button?

The problem i had was that the script was inside the part and not inside the StarterGui

Local scripts cannot work inside workspace . Instead you need to put a local script inside StarterGui, Or StarterPlayer. So using a local script in one of these locations and changing the route of the touching part should work.

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