Unable to manipulate Udim2 position

I am trying to insert a couple frames a larger scrolling frame.

Here is the code I am using to attempt it with:

while true do
	plyrData = game.ReplicatedStorage.LoadData:InvokeServer()
	for i,v in ipairs(plyrData.inventory) do
		local frame = script.Parent.WeaponsInvFrame:Clone()
		frame.WeaponName.Text = plyrData.inventory[i]
		frame.Description.Text = ""
		frame.Position = UDim2.fromScale{0,(i*(frame.Size.Y.Scale+0.01))+0.01}
		frame.Parent = mainGui.Frame.WeaponsInvFrame


As you can see by this photo the results have unsuccessful.

Edit: This appears to be a bug related to Studio not a script bug.

couldnt u just use a uigridlayout inestead?

ui list layout then lol, its the same thing as grid but just listings

For what I’m making I need a custom sort order. I don’t think the uigridlayout or uilistlayout are viable options.

custom how? (3-0 chara limit 000000)

I need certain frames listed in front of others.
The first group of frames on top, the second on bottom.

if possible, set the listlayout to organize by name and have the frames named like: 1WeaponA, 1WeaponB, 2WeaponA. itll go off the first letter or do layout order: frame.LayoutOrder = i (im pretty sure its i, the # that inc by one