Unable to move camera while holding ContextActionService button (Mobile)

I have an issue with my mobile support for my game. When holding down the block button, mobile players are not able to move their camera.

I’ve tried setting Button.Active to false, as other posts suggest, but it’s not working.

	ContextActionService:BindAction("Block", Block, true, Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL2)
	ContextActionService:SetImage("Block", "rbxassetid://111115595909073")
	ContextActionService:SetPosition("Block", UDim2.new(0.442, 0,-0.308, 0))
	if ContextActionService:GetButton("Block") then
		ContextActionService:GetButton("Block").Size = Player.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("TouchGui"):WaitForChild("TouchControlFrame"):WaitForChild("JumpButton").Size
		ContextActionService:GetButton("Block").Active = false

Here’s the game if you’d like to test for yourself: