Unable to open studio anymore

For some weird reason since about 30 minutes ago i am unable to open a local test server correctly and an error pops up with an extremely long error message.

I tried to re-open studio but the same error message pops up whenever i try to.

I am unable to open any of the starter places.

I am too afraid to shutdown the place i already had open so i have tried to re-open any team create place atm.

A private message is associated with this bug report


Same here. Tried logging out and back in.


We could not open the place [6560363541]. "Roblox.ErrorContext.DependencyException: GetProductInfo call failed\n ---> Roblox.ApiClientBase.ApiClientException: ApiClient MarketplaceAuthority exception:\nUrl = https://marketplace.api.roblox.com/v2.0/GetProductInfo?assetId=6560363541\nStatusCode = ServiceUnavailable\nStatusDescription = Service Unavailable\nResponse Machine Id = a25a45af-c3a2-4fa7-7b70-46d86bfe802e\nResponseText = Adaptive Concurrency Limits Enforced. The server is temporarily unavailable due to high load. Please retry later.\n\n ---> Roblox.Http.Client.HttpRequestFailedException: An error has occurred with your request.\n\tStatus code: ServiceUnavailable (Service Unavailable)\n\tUrl: https://marketplace.api.roblox.com/v2.0/GetProductInfo?assetId=6560363541\n\tResponse Machine Id: a25a45af-c3a2-4fa7-7b70-46d86bfe802e\n at Roblox.Http.Client.RequestFailureThrowsHandler.CheckResponse(IHttpResponse httpResponse, IHttpRequest httpRequest)\n at Roblox.Http.Client.RequestFailureThrowsHandler.InvokeAsync(IExecutionContext`2 context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at Roblox.Pipeline.ExecutionPlan`2.ExecuteAsync(TInput input, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at Roblox.ApiClientBase.GuardedApiClientBase.ExecuteHttpRequestAsync(String actionPath, HttpMethod method, CancellationToken cancellationToken, IEnumerable`1 queryStringParameters, IEnumerable`1 formParameters, IEnumerable`1 headers, String rawPostData, IEnumerable`1 multipartFormData, String actionName)\n --- End of inner exception stack trace ---\n at Roblox.ApiClientBase.GuardedApiClientBase.TranslateHttpException(Uri requestUrl, HttpRequestFailedException exception)\n at Roblox.ApiClientBase.GuardedApiClientBase.ExecuteHttpRequestAsync(String actionPath, HttpMethod method, CancellationToken cancellationToken, IEnumerable`1 queryStringParameters, IEnumerable`1 formParameters, IEnumerable`1 headers, String rawPostData, IEnumerable`1 multipartFormData, String actionName)\n at Roblox.ApiClientBase.ApiClientBase.GetAsync[T](String actionPath, CancellationToken cancellationToken, IEnumerable`1 queryStringParameters, IEnumerable`1 headers, String actionName)\n at Roblox.Marketplace.Client.MarketplaceAuthority.GetProductInfoAsync(Int64 assetId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at StudioOpenPlace.Implementation.ProductInfoAuthority.GetProductInfoAsync(Int64 placeId, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /all/services/studio-open-place/src/Implementation/ProductInfoAuthority.cs:line 41\n --- End of inner exception stack trace ---\n at StudioOpenPlace.Implementation.ProductInfoAuthority.GetProductInfoAsync(Int64 placeId, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /all/services/studio-open-place/src/Implementation/ProductInfoAuthority.cs:line 41\n at StudioOpenPlace.Controllers.OpenPlaceController.OpenPlace(Nullable`1 placeId, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /all/services/studio-open-place/src/Controllers/OpenPlaceController.cs:line 107"

It´s a Roblox error/bug. It´ll be fixed soon.

I´m also getting that error, I can´t open any of my games


I had this issue, I clicked it again after though and it lets me in.
Anyone else able to do the same thing I am?


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+1. Hopefully these fix this asap!!! :sob:


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


This issue seems to be resolved now. It has to do with the outage roblox had yesterday.

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